Today's bullfight is much as it was developed in the time
of Romero.
Normally 6 bulls and three matadors are required for an
afternoons corrida.
The three matadors dressed in their suit of lights (trajes
de luces) enter the arena accompanied by their
banderilleros and picadors and the strains of a traditional
paso doble. The door to the totil, or bull pen, is opened
and one of the bulls emerges.
Stage - Tercio de Varas ("third of lances")
The matador greets the bull with a series of manoeuvres,
or passes, with a large cape; these passes are usually
verónicas, the basic cape (capote) manoeuvre (named
after the woman who held out a cloth to Christ on his
way to the crucifixion). Contrary to popular believe bulls
are actually colour blind and they go for the cape not
because it is red but because it is moving.
These manoeuvres test the bull by the matador and
banderilleros with the required tanda ("series of passes")
using the capote. During this phase the matador
observes the bull’s behavior, how it charges and its
Stage - Tercio de banderillas (“third of flags”)
Next, two picadores enter the arena armed with a long
lance or varas and mounted on large heavily padded and
blindfolded horses. When the bull attacks the horse the
picador stabs just behind the morillo, a mound of muscle
on the bull’s neck (normally three times).
The manner in which the bull charges the horse also
provides important clues to the matador regarding which
side the bull prefers. If successful, the combination blood
loss and the force exerted by the bull to lift the horse up
with its neck and horns will strain the bull enough to
cause it to hold its head lower during the following stages
of the bullfight.
This is a mandatory step in the corrida which makes the
bull's charges less dangerous and more reliable, enabling
the matador to perform.
Then a trumpet blows and the banderilleros on foot move
in to place their banderillas (brightly coloured barbed
sticks) in the beast's shoulders to get it to lower it's head
for the kill. After this a further trumpet sounds which
signals the faena or final phase of the bullfight.
The Modern Corrida
Version 12.4.3.s 10 September 2018